Currently Basil is in season. If you are harvesting Basil or buying it from the market, don't throw away the stems.
Select green stems and use them to infuse oil.
Use best quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Use only green stems.
Use this oil in your salads, stir frys, breads.
There is no measurement as such for this recipe.
The oil should just cover the stems.
Recipe courtesy Smriti Iyer

Basil stems 2 cups
Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1/2 cup-3/4 cup
Wash the stems and pat dry them on a kitchen towel.
Cut long stems into 2-3 parts.
In a deep pan place all the stems.
Now pour oil, enough to barely cover them.
On the lowest heat let it simmer till the stems turn crisp.
Let the oil cool completely, then strain it into a glass bottle.
Keep it refrigerated.